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Cannabis Oil - Does it help get rid of cancer?

I was first introduced to CBD oil two years ago when I was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, I was afraid to speak out about it in public and share all of the health benefits it gave me because I didn't want to get strange looks. I didn't tell any of my doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals only certain family members and close friends. But in order for me to be 100% real with all of you and to ultimately in the process save more lives, I am going to tell you more about cannabis oil and what I've found out about it. 


I strongly believe to the bottom of my heart that with the combination of healthy eating, chemotherapy and most importantly the cannabis oil helped me personally be cured of cancer when all hope was lost.


That is the god honest truth.    


Cannabis (as most people are aware) is a medical plant that produces various substances called 'cannabinoids'. These are called THCdelta-9-tetrahydrocannabidiol) and CBD (cannabidiol). Over many years of extensive research from healthcare professionals around the world, it is believed that this oil not only helps with most chemotherapy side effects like nausea or pain but also, many believe that it could be the 'cure' to cancer as a whole. 


The health benefits include ensuring cancer cells die, stopping the cells from dividing and spreading throughout the whole body whilst also, stopping cancer cells from developing new blood vessels.  


But like every great medicine, it also has its side effects when you use it for the first time such as drowsiness and the feeling of being 'high'. This would lead to most people mistaking the oil doing more harm then good but I have to disagree.


For example, look at chemotherapy and some medications, they make us feel nauseous, tired and sick but ultimately it helps get rid of life-threatening diseases or gives us something our body desperately needs. 


When I first got this oil I was told to place two drops of the oil under my tongue in order for it to be effective and to take the oil after every breakfast, lunch and dinner meal ( three times a day).


I am not exaggrating by saying when I first had this particular oil I felt a movement in my cheek. I didn't know what to think of it at first so I panicked. I told the woman who gave me the oil what was going on and she said that this meant the oil was attacking the cancer cells and stopping them from multiplying. This not only calmed me down, but it also made me confident that the oil  was working.    


This oil was given to me in a small little container and because it is so strong, the woman told me to put one toothpick (with a cm of the oil at the end of it) and put it on my tongue. I was told to take this each and every night. 


I have to be honest (again lol) in saying when I first had this particular oil, the woman told me to use it just before I went into bed; it leaves you feeling slightly sleepy and  tired when you're not used to it but she expressed that the more you sleep, the more you will heal as well (and over time I got used to it.








Whenever I had any aches or pains in my legs (or overall in my bones) I always put CBD cream on my skin to take away the pain.


I am being honest with you in saying it 100% works and it is highly recommended. Yes, painkillers work too but if you don't want to be heavily medicated taking CBD cream helps a lot. 


I regularly had the chemotherapy Methotrexate which continuously made my bones ache and hurt but when I used this cream on my skin, it made the side effect hurt a lot less. I also used Magnesium bath salts which is very good and effective for people who have bone cancer; it improves skin hydration, keeps bones healthier and decreases inflammation.

IMPORTANT: I have to admit, sometimes when I was on chemotherapy I didn't use the oil as much as I should have been. This was only because I was afraid of the chemotherapy clashing with the oil which is why I stopped using the oil when I was on chemo. The woman told me that the oil wasn't harmful because its created from a natural plant which means it wouldn't counteract with any of the chemicals that the chemotherapy contained.


But because I was still apprehensive, I made the decision to take the oil only when I was at home (during my chemo breaks) because that gave me the peace of mind I needed.  


I would also recommend not buying the oil online because you don't know where it had come from. Only buy it by a trusted person and know more information about it. 

My own experience with chemotherpy side effects

Even though I have already stated that I 100% believe (with the help of the oil) that by me using it made my tumour go down, even more, quicker than expected. I have to honest when I say it didn't help ALL of the side effects that I was struggling with. For example, when I had really bad piles, felt weak, had excruciating pain or felt nauseous, I sometimes began to realise on rare occasions that using the cannabis oil by itself wouldn't be enough to make it all go away. That is why I'm saying don't rely on the oil too much; even though the oil has many health benefits in regard to cancer treatment, it can only do so much and everybody who takes the oil is different which means during different situations the oil would work for them better then it does for another person. 



That is why I am saying don't be afraid to still take medication the hospital has prescribed for you just because you have the oil; for certain side effects using the oil alone might not work for you.

However, I began to realise that when the pain relief medication didn't work, I realised with the combination of my medicine, oil and other home remedies ( depends on what I was struggling with) that was when I realised that it made me feel a lot better.


But as I've said before...not EVERYBODY is the same.



Peoples reaction

As more time went on, I began to realise that when I started to be more public with the people on my ward about the oil and the great health benefits that I'd gotten from it, they looked at me like I was mad (lol, and to this day it is the same reaction from certain people). I don't know if people were thinking I was some sort of 'druggie' who liked to get high or I'm a conspiracy theorist when I say it helps get rid cancer.


But when one of the paitents dad on my ward tried to convince people that they should think about introducing their child to the the oil because of all of the health benefits that it had done for his child. They looked at him funny and then said no way. 


I am not bashing or blaming them for having a negative response; I believe that with certain people if you don't know that much about something and your very nervous about introducing it to your child (who is unwell) then it can leave you very cautious to things like this. 



This is why my advice before taking the oil would be to learn more about the oil by watching Youtube videos talking about it, looking at news articles and websites that show the health benefits on what it can do for people to give you a more better and clearer idea.  


But I want to express again! taking the oil by itself is not going to help or 'cure' you but in combination with the chemo, healthy eating and the oil? You can see for yourself how much of a difference it makes.


But I have to implore you once more. Please do your research to find out more information about the oil. It is really interesting and you can decide to take it or not.  



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