An Instagram live stream series where I bring together a couple of my creative friends and mentors to share shed some light on how to handle a virus lockdown in a healthy and positive way.
This week my friend Mandy and I did an Instagram live stream where we talked about the importance of self-love and self-care in a time where it may be a lot harder to do so. I had a lot of difficulties loving myself when I came back from the hospital because it was just me, my face, the mirrors, pictures of how I used to look and no distractions from how different I looked at that moment. I am aware that a lot of us who have body confidence concerns right now may be finding it hard when it's just us and our thoughts but I'm here to reassure you, it does get better. Self-love and Self-care does not mean Self-fish, it means that you're digging deep into your emotions to find and do things that make your soul happy <3.
I hope that you find inspiration in this live and are inspired to do a little loving for yourself during this time because you are an awesome, lovely and amazing being and you deserve nothing but happiness xx